Corporate Governance

The Company is led by a strong and experienced Board of Directors which brings a depth and diversity of expertise to the leadership of the Company.

The Board is responsible for the long-term success of the Group, determining the strategic direction of the Group and reviewing operating, financial and risk performance.

The Board’s governance supports the delivery of our overarching purpose - to create value, with values - for our shareholders, consumers, customers and for society as a whole.

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Board Committees

The Board of Directors delegates some of its responsibilities to the following committees : 

Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit & Risk Committee Committee, chaired by Nick Wharton and supported by fellow Non-Executive Directors, meets at least three times a year and otherwise as required.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee, chaired by David Ritchie and supported by fellow Non-Executive Directors, meets at least twice a year and otherwise as required.

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee, chaired by Mark Allen and supported by fellow Non-Executive Directors, meets at least once a year and otherwise as required.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Committee

The ESG Committee, chaired by Zoe Howorth, and supported by fellow Directors, meets at least twice a year and otherwise as required.


The structure of the Board of Directors and our Board Committees, as well as information on our system of internal control and risk management, is described in detail in the Governance Report in the latest Annual Report & Accounts here

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